Make use of the space provided below to draw your organizational organogram /staff structure and then identify your own and the team allocations/positions within. (SO1 AC 1 – 5).
Explain the purpose of a team in terms of organizational or project objectives. (SO1 AC2)
Identify at least three (3) effective groups/teams existing in your workplace. (SO2 AC1).
List the advantages and disadvantages of group work in the following table. (SO2 AC2).
Explain the importance of effective teamwork in marketing context. Make use of examples to explain your answer.(SO2 AC3 – 7).
Explain the role of group identities (teams) and their purpose in your organisation. Make use of practical examples to explain your answer. (SO2 AC4).
List the various stages existing in group dynamics. (SO2 AC5).
Identify the different skills, aptitudes, personality and values within the specific group within your organisation. (SO2 AC6).
Identify and explain the roles of and responsibilities of team members in line with your organizational objectives. (SO3 AC1).
Identify and explain your own roles and responsibilities towards your current projects / tasks in the workplace. (SO3 AC2).
Identify negative factors which could affect team performance in your workplace. Make use of examples to explain your answer. (SO4 AC1).
Identify the positive factors which could affect team performance in your workplace. Make use o examples to explain your answer. (SO4 AC2).
Identify controllable factors which could affect team performance in your workplace. Make use of examples to explain your answer. (SO4 AC4).
Explain the difference which exists amongst team members found in your department. (SO5 AC1).
Explain the importance of demonstrating respect for all the relevant stakeholders. (SO5 AC2).
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