For each question, tick the box which is most like you.
- 2 points for each “always”
- 4 points for each “usually”
- 6 points for each “sometimes”
- 8 points for each “seldom”
- 10 points for each “almost never”
Interpretation of your Scores:
- Score of 20-46: You are essentially in contro
- Score of 47-79: You are racing against the clock. Greater control is adv Make sure that you are not taking work from others, do your own job!
- Score of 80-100: You are on a treadmill. Restructuring time and work habits is vital to productivity. You may need to take this up with a manager.
Please answer in the following format:
For each question (from 1-8), please write the number of the question, and your selected chosen answer.
For example:
“3: Usually”