Open the Rockville Technologies database created in the previous lesson
On the Ribbon, click Create
In the Tables section, click Table
To save the table, right-click Table1 and click Save
Type Corporate Items as the name of the table
Click OK
To close the table, click its Close button
In the Navigation Pane window, right-click the Corporate Items table and click Rename
Type Employees Resources as the new name of the table
Press Enter
In the Navigation Pane, right-click the Employees Resources table
Click Delete
Read the warning of the message box and click Yes
Create a table called Employee details
Under the Field Name column header, double-click ID, type EmployeeID and press Enter
Click the empty box under EmployeeID, type DateHired
Press the down arrow key and type EmployeeNumber
Complete the columns as follows:
To save the table, press Ctrl + S
Question 2 of 6
2. Question
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Question 3 of 6
3. Question
Create a blank database and name it National Bank1
Double-click Add New Field and type AccountType
Add one more column named Description
Change ID to AccountTypeID
Save the table as AccountTypes
Using the Table button of the Creation section of the Ribbon, start a new and change Add New Field to ChargeReason
Rename the ID column to ChargeReasonID
Save the table as ChargeReasons and close it
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Question 5 of 6
5. Question
Create a blank database and name it Watts A Loan1
After the default ID column, create the following additional columns: FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Address, City, State, ZIPCode, Country, HomePhone, WorkPhone, EmailAddress, and Notes
Rename the ID column as CustomerID,
Save the table as Customers
Question 6 of 6
6. Question
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