Explain why it is important to have a clear plan in place, and to know your products and facts, before you make the first contact with a potential customer. Please provide at least 4 different reasons.
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Question 2 of 4
2. Question
Devise a standard “script”, to aid in the sale of “Timeshare”
When completed, use your script to sell this concept to your friend.
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Question 3 of 4
3. Question
Identify the typical customer for the following products by conducting a brainstorming exercise
Soap powder
Cell phones with live streaming
Flat screen TV
On-line war games
Chocolates and flowers
Car accessories such as DVD players
Easy transfer of funds without using banks
Music DVD’s by Whitney Houston and Amy Winehouse
Competitions to win tickets to a soccer game
List another 4 products and identify the typical customer
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Grading can be reviewed and adjusted.
Question 4 of 4
4. Question
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