There are three very important aspects to follow through when a business wants to turn prospective customers into existing customers. List them.
List 4 cost effective contact methods.
Explain the value of prospective customers.
What is a customer?
List six types of existing customers.
Explain the benefit of liaising with customers.
Explain the risk of not liaising with customers.
You work for a store that sells musical CD’s and DVD’s. The average price of a product is R160. Calculate the potential value of 50 prospective clients who buy 2 products every month. Remember to also calculate the value if each client recommends 3 other people to buy from your store.
Now calculate the risks if you do not liaise with your clients about what their needs and wants are. For example, you have a large stock of Golden Oldies CD’s (about 2000 of them) and now nobody is buying them, while everyone is asking for the latest hits. Calculate the cost of not selling the Golden Oldies CD’s
-Also calculate the loss of sales from 1000 clients who enter your shop every month to buy the latest hits music CD’s.
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Grading can be reviewed and adjusted.
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